
Honour to the dads!

Published on 13-06-24

Looking to be pampered? On Sunday 16 June from 1pm to 7pm, head to the boarding lounge in terminal 2 to enjoy a massage.


Relaxation class for dads

On Sunday 16 June, dads will be in the spotlight in the boarding hall of terminal 2.

To celebrate Father's Day, the airport will be pampering all dads with a massage class in terminal 2.

You can enjoy a free energetic massage on an ergonomic chair to relieve tension in just a few minutes and relax before boarding.

This service will be reserved exclusively for dads.



On the spot, try to win 2 access on one of our VIP lounges for your next trip and 1 year of Gold Status in the  Airport Premier Club or 1000 CAPS points.